
අසරණ වතු සේවකයන්ගෙන් රු.බිලියන 1.1 ක් ගසා කෑ ක්‍රිස් නෝනිස්

ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ තේ කර්මාන්තය තුළ මහත් කම්පනයක් ඇති කරමින්  වෛද්‍ය ක්‍රිස් නෝනිස් මහතා සහ ඔහුගේ නීතිඥ සහෝදරිය වන ශේල්ලෙන්ද්‍රා නෝනිස්  රණවීර මහත්මිය APL Tea (Pvt ) Ltd . නමින් අරම්භ කරනලද ඔවුන්ගේ පුද්ගලික සමගම මගින්  Agalawatte Plantations PLC (APL) ලැයිස්තුගත සමාගමේ කොටස් කරුවන්ට හොරරහසේ රුපියල්   බිලියන 1.134 (ඇමරිකානු ඩොලර් මිලියන 7.7) සොරා ගෙන ඇත. මෙසේ සොරා ගෙන ඇත්තේ අහිංසක වතු කම්කරුවන්ගේ රු මිලියන 300 වන EPF / ETF මුදල් වංචාකාරී ලෙස නොගෙවා කොටස් කරුවන් හා Mackwoods සමුහයේ  අධ්‍යක්‍ෂක මණ්ඩලය නොමග යැවීමෙනි.

APL Tea (Pvt )Ltd හි සම අයිතිකරුවන් වන නෝනිස්  – රණවීර (සහෝදර සහෝදරි යුවල ) විසින් ඉතාම සූක්ෂම සහ සැලසුම් සහගතව කර ඇති මෙම වංචාව, මීට ප්‍රථම ඇමෙරිකාවේ “එන්රෝන් “සමාගමේ  සිදුවූ මහා වංචාවට නොදෙවෙනි වේ. මෙම අති විශාල මුදල් වංචාව (රු. බිලියන 1.134) වසර සියයකට අධික තේ ඉතිහාසයේ වූ විශාලතම වංචාවයි.   

පසුගිය මාසයේ නීතිමය පියවර ආරම්හ කරන තාක් ක්‍රිස් – ශලෙන්ද්‍රා යුවල විසින් ඉතාම කූට ලෙස සියලු සේවකයන්ගේ හා කොටස් කරුවන්ගේ ඇස් වලට වැලි ගසමින් APL Tea (Pvt ) Ltd හි සැබෑ අයිතිකරුවන් තමන් බව වසන් කර එය අගලවත්ත වැවිලි සමාගමේ හවුල් සමාගමක් ලෙස හුවා දක්වමින් ඔවුන් නොමග යැවීමට කටයුතු කර ඇත. තවද මෙම කූට යුවල විසින් “APL” යන නාමයද සොරාගත් බව පැහැදිලිය.

ශේල්ලෙන්ද්‍රා නෝනිස් රණවීර

ශේල්ලෙන්ද්‍රා නෝනිස් රණවීර

දැනට අගලවත්ත වැවිලි සමාගමෙහි, ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ සේවකයන්ට අනුව ක්‍රිස් – ශලෙන්ද්‍රා යුවල විසින් 2005 සිට 2015 වසර දක්වා අගලවත්ත වැවිලි සමාගම සතු රු. බිලියන 1.134 ක  මුදලක් අලෙවි සහ ප්‍රවර්ධන වියදම් ලෙස හුවා දක්වමින් APL Tea (Pvt ) Ltd විසින් ඩැහැගෙන ඇත. එනමුත් ඊට අදාලව අගලවත්ත වැවිලි සමාගමේ ආදායම ඉහලගොස් නැත. තවද APL Tea (Pvt ) Ltd මගින් අගලවත්ත වැවිලි සමාගමට ලැබිය යුතු මුදලින් ඉහත සඳහන් සේවාව සඳහා අය කල මුදල අඩු කර ඇත.      

අගලවත්ත වැවිලි සමගමේ  වාර්ෂික වාර්තා කණපිට හරවමින් APL Tea (Pvt )Ltd හි සැබෑ හිමිකරුවන් පිළිබඳව සඳහන් නොකර වෛද්‍ය ක්‍රිස් නෝනිස් මහතා සහ ශලෙන්ද්‍රා මහත්මිය (දොස්තර නීතිඥ දෙපොල)  රු.බිලියන 1.134ක් අන්තර්ජාතික අලෙවිකරණ හා ප්‍රවර්ධන වියදම් මුවාවෙන් එක්සත් රාජධානිය වෙත යවා ඇත.

බ්‍රිතාන්‍ය පුරවැසියන් වන වෛද්‍ය ක්‍රිස් සහ ඔහුගේ  නැගණිය ශලෙන්ද්‍රා විසින් එක්සත් රාජධානිය තුල මෙසේ සොරාගත් මුදල් ආයෝජනය කර බ්‍රිතාන්‍ය පවුම් මිලියන ගණනක් වත්කම් ඇති සමාගම් ගණනාවක් ස්ථාපිත කර ඇත. මෑතකදී හෙලිවූ තවත් වංචාවක් වන්නේ ඉතා සුළු කාලයක් තුළ වෙනස් වූ Taprospa  Resorts (Pvt) Ltd. හි  අයිතියයි. මුලදී මෙහි අයිතිය හිමිවී ඇත්තේ අගලවත්ත වැවිලි සමාගමටය. නමුත් වෛද්‍ය නෝනිස් අගලවත්ත වැවිලි සමාගමට අයත් කොටස් වලින් 60% ක් සම්පුර්ණයෙන්ම තමාට අයත් පුද්ගලික සමාගමක් වූ Taprospa Hodings (Pvt) Ltd වෙත මාරු කර ඇත. “Taprospa” යනු අගලවත්ත වැවිලි සමාගමෙහි හෝටල් හස්තයයි. අගලවත්ත වැවිලි සමාගමට රු. බිලියන ගණනක වත්කමක් ඇති බේරුවල පිහිටි “Taprospa Foot Print” හෝටලය සතුව ඇත. මෙයින් පැහැදිලි වන්නේ Mackwoods සමුහය බංකොලොත් කර එහි ඇති වත්කම් තමන් විසින් සොරාගත් මුදල් යොදා තමන් සතු කර ගැනීමට වෛද්‍ය නෝනිස් සහ ශලෙන්ද්‍රා දිගුකල් සිට සැලසුම් කර ඇති බවයි.

2015 නොවැම්බර් මසදී වතු සේවකයන් විසින්, බොරැල්ලේ පිහිටි Mackwoods ආයතනය ඉදිරිපිට තමන් හට නොගෙවූ රු. මිලියන 300ක ආසන්න වෙවස්ථාපිත ගෙවීම් (EPF හා ETF) ඉල්ලා දැවැන්ත උත්ගොෂණයක් ගෙන ගියහ.   මෙම පරිපාලනමය සහසිකයින් (ක්‍රිස් – ශලෙන්ද්‍රා යුවල) මෙයින් නැවතුනේ නැත. ඔවුන් දුප්පත් වතු සේවකයින්ගේ ගේ දොර උපකරණ මිලදී ගැනීම සඳහා ලබාගත් ණය මාසිකව පඩියෙන් කපා ගන්නා වාරිකද සොරා ගන්නා ලදී. සමාගම විසින් මාසිකව සේවකයින්ගෙන් අයකරගන්නා වාරික මුල්‍ය සමාගම් වෙත යවා නැත. මේ හේතුවෙන් සමහර සේවකයින්ගේ භාණ්ඩ අදාල මුල්‍ය සමාගම් විසින් අත් කරගෙන ඇත. ශලෙන්ද්‍රාගේ ස්වාමි පුරුෂයා වූ දිනේෂ් රණවීර මෙම සාහසික හවුලට එකතුකරගත් නවතම සමාජිකයයි. මෙම තිදෙනා දැන් සමාගමෙහි වාර්තා/පොත් පවා වෙනස් කරමින් සිටී. එම නිසා වාර්ෂික ගිණුම් වාර්තාව සකස් කිරීමට නොහැකිව, අගලවත්ත සමාගමෙහි වාර්ෂික මහා සභා රැස්වීම ප්‍රමාද වීමට හේතු වී ඇත.    

රජයේ නිළයක් වන, බ්‍රිතාන්‍යයේ ශ්‍රී ලංකා මහ කොමසාරිස් තනතුර ලැබුනු පසු නෝනිස් විසින් කල යුතුව තිබු නිවැරදි ක්‍රියා මාර්ගය විය යුතුව තිබුනේ Mackwoods සමුහයේ සභාපති ධුරයෙන් ඉවත් වීමය. එනමුත් ඔහු එසේ නොකිරීමෙන්, දැන් පැහැදිලි වන්නේ මහ කොමසාරිස් නිළ කාලය තුලදී සභාපති ධුරයේ රැඳී සිට Mackwoods සමුහයේ ප්‍රධාන කටයුතු වලට සම්බන්ධ වී ඒවා පාලනය කර නෝනිස්ගේ වංචනික ක්‍රියා හොර රහසේ කරගෙන ගිය බවයි.  නෝනිස් විසින් මෙසේ ක්‍රියා කල එක සමාගමක් වන්නේ අගලවත්ත වැවිලි සමාගමයි.

ඉතාමත් කණගාටුදායක කරුණ වන්නේ  වෛද්‍ය ක්‍රිස් නෝනිස්,  බ්‍රිතාන්‍යයේ චාල්ස් කුමරුගේ “බ්‍රිටිෂ් ඒෂියන් ට්‍රුස්ට් ” හි භාරකරුවෙකු ලෙසද කටයුතු කරයි. පැහැදිලිව පෙනීයන ප්‍රධාන කරුණ වන්නේ නෝනිස් විසින් මෙයට ලබාදෙන දායක මුදල් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ වෙසෙන අහිංසක දුප්පත් වතු කම්කරුවන් ලේ දහඩිය බිමට හලා දහසක් බලාපොරොත්තු මැද උපයාගත් මුදල් වීමයි.  


PETITION- HC-Civil- 14-2016 CO - Mackwoods-   12-05-2016-1

Sri Lanka Court Issues Interim Order Against Former UK High Commissioner Dr. Chris Nonis For Mismanagement

Mackwood’s Majority Shareholders Cry Foul Over Ex-Ambassador’s Oppression & Misappropriations

Sri Lanka’s Commercial High Court of Colombo recently issued an interim order against former High Commissioner to the United Kingdom – Dr. Chris Nonis et al, in a case filed by majority shareholders of Mackwoods Securities for oppression, mismanagement and misappropriation of assets belonging to Mackwoods Group of Companies.

A former High Commissioner to the United Kingdom from 2011 to 2014, Dr. Chris Nonis also chairs the Advisory Council for Sri Lanka of the British Asian Trust, one of the Charities of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales. He also served on the Board of the Imperial War Museum, and the Advisory Council of Her Majesty the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Trust.

In a case recently filed in mid May in the Commercial High Court of Colombo, the majority of the shareholders accounting for over 60% ownership of Mackwoods Securities(Pvt) Ltd – the holding Company of Mackwoods Ltd and its subsidiary and associate Companies; initiated legal action against Dr Chris Nonis, Chairman and certain other Directors, for alleged oppression of shareholders and mismanagement and misappropriation of Company assets belonging to the Mackwoods Group of Companies .

The 60.19 % majority shareholders of Mackwoods comprise, Mrs Mary Varma (Petitioner), Mrs Nirmali Samaratunga, and Mr  F G N Mendis.  They in addition have requisitioned an EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting) to appoint three directors nominated by them to the board of Mackwoods.

The Court has issued an interim order restraining Dr Chris Nonis and other Directors, namely – Shelendra Nonis Ranaweera, Lalith Fonseka and Lakshman Samarasinghe from appointing any directors and/or seeking to fill any vacancy on the board of Mackwoods, until the conclusion of the Extraordinary General Meeting requested by the majority shareholders and further issued an interim order restraining the same four directors from acting in contravention of the Articles of Association of the company.

The Petitioner revealed to courts that Dr Chris Nonis holds less than 29% of Mackwoods and his sister Shelendra Nonis Ranaweera and the other two directors do not own any shares of Mackwoods.

The petition was supported by M/s Romesh De Silva PC, Harsha Amarasekera PC and Attorneys-At-Law Kanchana Peiris and Shraepathy Attanayake, on the instructions of M/s D L &F De Sarams with Attorneys-At-Law Jivan  Goonetilleke and Dasuni Wijayasiriwardene.


In the case bearing Case No. HC(CIVIL) 14/2016 CO filed in the Commercial High Court of the Western Province, Dr. Chrisantha Nicholas Anthony Nonis  of No. 69/6, Kynsey Road, Colombo 08 is cited as the Second respondent whilst the holding company –  Mackwoods Securities (Private) Limited, No. 10, Gnanartha Pradeepa Mawatha, Colombo 08 is cited as the First Respondent.


Third to Seven Respondents of the case are :- (3) Francis Lalith Fonseka, 191/2B, Thimbirigasyaya Road, Colombo 05. (4.) Lakshman Leelaraja Samarasinghe, No. 30/3, Dehiwala Road, Pepiliyana. (5.) Shelendra Marianne Andrea Nonis Ranaweera, 69/4A, Kynsey Road, Colombo 08. (6.) Frederick Germain Noel Mendis, No. 57, Welikadawatte Road, Rajagiriya and (7.) Nirmali Suzanne Moira Samaratunga No. 37/2/A, Empire Residencies, No. 51, Braybrooke Place, Colombo 2.

Petitioner Mary Jean Varma (of Mezzanine Floor – M2, Green Path Residencies, Col. T. G. Jayawardene Mawatha, Colombo 03) states that Mackwoods Securities (Private) Limited was first incorporated on or about 31st of July 1957 under the name of Mackwoods Estates and Agencies Limited by the famous lawyer cum entrepreneur, the late Mr. N. S. O. Mendis. The founder Mr. N. S. O. Mendis had three children namely the Petitioner and the 6th Respondent and the late Mrs. Sriyani Nonis. The late Mrs. Sriyani Nonis is the mother of four children including the 2nd, 5th and 7th Respondents (i.e. Dr. Chris Nonis,  Marianne Nonis and Nirmali Nonis) The said Mrs. Sriyani Nonis was the Chairperson of Company and of almost all of the companies comprising the Mackwoods Group of Companies (including Mackwoods holding, subsidiary and associate companies) until her demise on or about 13th of June 2005.

She further claims that soon after the death of Mrs. Sriyani Nonis, the Dr. Chris Nonis ‘assumed’  the position of the Chairman of  Mackwoods although the appointment of Dr. Nonis as the Chairman was never formally approved and/or consented to by the majority shareholders or the Board of Mackwoods Securities. She states that since the date on which he assumed duties as Chairman, the 2nd Respondent (i.e. Dr. Nonis) has never stood for re-election at any of the Annual General Meetings (AGM) of Mackwoods Securities, as the provisions relating to retirement of directors do not apply to a director holding the post of Chairman; and that the 2nd Respondent also assumed the duties as Chairman in all the subsidiary and associate companies of the Mackwoods Group.

The Petitioner also states that to the best of her knowledge and recollection, Mackwoods Securities holds 9,984,000 (99.84%) of the ordinary voting shares in Mackwoods (Private) Limited (bearing the company registration number PV 16788) of  No. 10, Gnanartha Pradeepa Mawatha, Colombo 08; which itself has invested in the following Private and Public companies directly and/or indirectly including Public Quoted companies namely Agalawatta Plantations PLC, Mackwoods Energy PLC. Such companies include the following;

  1. Mackwoods Plantations (Private) Limited
  2. Agalawatta Plantations PLC

iii.        Mackwoods Energy PLC

  1. Claridge Asset Management (Private) Limited
  2. Mackply Industries (Private) Limited
  3. Mackwoods Healthcare (Private) Limited

vii.       Mackwoods Teas (Private) Limited

viii.      AEN Palm Oil Processing (Private) Limited

  1. Paklan Latex (Private) Limited
  2. Claridge Stockbrokers (Private) Limited
  3. Mackwoods IT (Private) Limited

xii.       Mackwoods Infotec (Private) Limited

xiii.      Taprospa Resorts (Private) Limited

xiv.       Mackwoods Insurance Brokers (Private) Limited

  1. Mackwoods Real Estate (Private) Limited

xvi.       Mackwoods Rubber Products (Pvt) Ltd

xvii.      Mackwoods Foods (Pvt) Ltd

The Petitioner further states that whilst Mackwoods has an issued share capital of 407,000 ordinary voting shares, she holds 117,337 ordinary voting shares (approximately 28.83%) and together with the 6th and 7th Respondents hold an aggregate of 245,000 ordinary voting shares (60.19%) as against  118,000 (28.99%) held by Dr. Chris Nonis. As such she along with the 6th and 7th Respondent together accordingly held a majority of the shares of the 1st Respondent company, the Petitioner has averred.

The Petitioner claims that the 3rd, 4th and 5th Respondents have, from in or about the time that Dr. Nonis assumed duties as the Chairman, acted solely in accordance with his dictates, instructions and directions.

However nearly 60.19% of the shareholders are represented by only two (2) Directors (namely the Petitioner and the 7th Respondent) and approximately 39.81% of the shareholders are represented by four (4) Directors (namely the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Respondents), whilst Mackwoods Securities is entitled to have a maximum of 9 Directors in terms of Article 72 of its Articles of Association. As such  the Petitioner further pleads that the Petitioner and the 6th and 7th Respondents, being the major shareholders of the 1st Respondent Company, accordingly do not at present have due and proper representation on the Board of Directors of the 1st Respondent Company.

Oppression and Mismanagement

The Petitioner pleads that to the best of her knowledge, in terms of the respective Articles of such subsidiary/associate companies, the Boards of Directors of such companies, which are controlled by the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Respondents, has the power to fill vacancies on the said Boards, without recourse to the shareholders. The Petitioner pleads however that such a course of action would be against the wishes and intention of the holders of the majority of the shares of the 1st Respondent company, i.e. the Petitioner and the 6th and 7th Respondents.

The Petitioner pleads that under the present management of the 2nd to 5th Respondents, the affairs of the 1st Respondent Company and that of its subsidiaries and associate companies are being conducted in a manner which is oppressive of its shareholders and also constitutes mismanagement of the affairs of the 1st Respondent Company.

Failure to hold Annual General Meetings

The Petitioner pleads that the Board of Directors of the 1st Respondent Company, which as aforesaid is controlled by the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Respondents, has failed and neglected to hold an Annual General Meeting since on or about 30/09/2008. The Petitioner pleads that though the last annual return filed by the 1st Respondent Company refers to the last Annual General Meeting having been held on or about 12/09/2013, or that the resolution in lieu thereof bore such date, the Petitioner pleads that to the best of her knowledge and recollection, no such Annual General Meeting of the 1st Respondent has been held since 2008 and no resolution in lieu thereof has been signed by its shareholders. The Petitioner pleads that the failure to hold an Annual General Meeting is contrary to the imperative provisions of the Companies Act No. 7 of 2007, and more specifically S. 133 thereof.

Due to AGMs not been held directors of the Mackwoods Securities who are scheduled to retire from office by rotation have not retired nor presented themselves for re-election, and the shareholders have thus been prejudiced by inter alia being deprived of the right to vote on such re-election and/or on the reconstitution of the board of Directors. Furthermore, the accounts and financial statements of the 1st Respondent Company have not been placed before the shareholders and have in any event not been approved by the shareholders and in any event, the audited accounts of the 1st Respondent Company have not been sent to the Shareholders.

Siphoning off money

The Petitioner further states that Mackwoods Group almost fully owns Mackwoods (Pvt) Ltd. (i.e. 999.94%) and thus controls Companies with an aggregate asset value in excess of Rs. 6 billion.  One such subsidiary, Agalawatta Plantations PLC manages 15 estates which include tea, rubber and oil palm covering a total extent of 10,919 Hectares and employs approximately 6,750 persons and the approximate value of the total assets of Agalawatta Plantations PLC alone are Rs. 4,492,065,000/-. However that the affairs of the said Agalawatta Plantations PLC are being mismanaged by its board, which is controlled by the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Respondents, to such an extent that its business and operations are being run at a loss as is reflected in the 2014 Annual Report of the said Agalawatte Plantations PLC, despite the colossal value of assets at its disposal, and the value and potential of its business. 28.) The Petitioner pleads that the only plausible explanation for this is that the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Respondents are either guilty of siphoning off monies from the Agalawatta Plantations PLC, or are otherwise guilty of serious mismanagement of its affairs.

“The Petitioner pleads that the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Respondents have ensured that the profits or potential profits of the operational subsidiaries and associates of the 1st Respondent Company are siphoned off and/or otherwise disposed of, to the personal benefit of the said 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Respondents, prior to such profits having to be declared to their holding companies. The Petitioner pleads that in such manner, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Respondents have avoided making payment to the other shareholders of the 1st Respondent Company of dividends and/or returns in the value to which they are in truth and in fact entitled.”

Conflict of interest / other detrimental transactions

The Petitioner pleads that by virtue of being the Chairman of the 1st Respondent Company, Dr. Chris Nonis is also the Chairman of the 1st Respondent’s other aforesaid subsidiaries and  by reason of the control exerted by the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Respondents, they have been instrumental in and have caused several of such subsidiaries to enter into transactions to the detriment of such companies, to their own personal benefit. The Petitioner pleads that as the majority of the shares in such subsidiaries are held by the Mackwoods Securities, such transactions are detrimental to the Company.

Failure to hold EGM

The Petitioner states that she along with the 6th and 7th Respondent have, as shareholders of Mackwoods Securities, requisitioned an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders to appoint three (3) directors to the Board in order to fill the remaining three vacancies thereon. The Petitioner pleads that this was requested by the communication dated 12th May 2016 signed by the Petitioner and the 6th and 7th Respondents and was deposited at the registered office of the 1st Respondent Company on 12th May 2016. 57.)   However, despite the above course of action, the Petitioner is apprehensive that the 2nd to 5th Respondents may delay and / or seek to stymie and thwart the aforesaid resolutions, abusing their powers in terms of Article 91 of the Articles of Association of the 1st Respondent Company. The Petitioner pleads that it is the common objective of the Petitioner and the 6th and 7th Respondents to seek to reconstitute the Boards of Directors of the  Subsidiary/Associate companies of Mackwoods Group once their aforesaid three (3) nominees are appointed to the Board.

Interim relief sought

As such, the Petitioner sought from Court for orders and/or declarations that the affairs of the 1st Respondent are being conducted by the 2nd (Dr. Chris Nonis) along with 3rd, 4th and/or 5th Respondents in a manner oppressive of and/or to the Petitioner; in a manner which is against the interests of the 1st Respondent Company;  that the affairs of the 1st Respondent Company have been mismanaged by the 2nd to 5th Respondents;  that the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Respondents and/or any one of more of them are not entitled to appoint any directors and/or fill any vacancy on the board of the 1st Respondent company until the conclusion of the Extraordinary General Meeting requisitioned by requisition dated 12th May 2016;  and that they are not entitled to act in contravention of the Articles of Association of the 1st Respondent Company.

The Petitioner also sought an interim order restraining the Dr. Chris Nonis along with 3rd, 4th and 5th Respondents and/or any one of more of them from appointing any directors and/or seeking to fill any vacancy on the board of the 1st Respondent company until the conclusion of the Extraordinary General Meeting.

