6 Mar 2025, Thu

Professor Rohan Gunarathne came to the stage. It was to release the book of Sri Lanka’s Easter Sunday Massacre: Lessons for the International Community, which he wrote in English about the Easter Sunday bombing. A bunch of Supreme Court judges including the Chief Justice, the Attorney General and a number of heads of the security forces were also present at the opening ceremony of the book.

The content of Rohan Gunarathne’s book is that the Easter bombings were carried out by Islamic religious extremists. He is seriously trying to cover the mysterious black hole in the Easter Sunday attack. This book is written solely for that purpose. The Catholic clergies including His Eminence the Cardinal, a number of journalists in Sri Lanka and a group of members representing the opposition in the Parliament continue to criticize the mysterious and suspicious incidents surrounding the Easter attack from various angles and request the government to conduct an independent and an impartial investigation.

“There was no political conspiracy behind the 2019 Easter Sunday terror attack and it was carried out by Thawhid Jamath led Zaharan group based on extremist ideologies. There is no conspiracy behind this incident. As Saharan’s wife and others said, he (Saharan) would never go and launch a suicide attack for Gotabhaya Rajapaksa (former president) or anyone else. They did it as per their own wish. For extremist ideologies including the need to establish an Islamic state” – Professor Gunarathne

The silence of the Easter killers!

President Ranil Rajapaksa is not interested to investigate the Easter attack just like former President Military Nandasena covered it up.

Renegade Mp’s Harin Fernando and Manusha Nanayakkara who represented the opposition lamented about the Easter Sunday attack in the Parliament during the time Military Nandasena was the president There were many times when they asked military Nandasena for help during the parliamentary sessions. These two crooks are currently lying in the lap of the killers involved for the Easter attack and the Catholic community are cursing these two traitors.

Rohan Gunaratne entered into the scene in such an environment. He is a consultant of Ranil Rajapaksa who holds a VIP travel permit. When we carefully analyze these matters clearly, it is not necessary to probe further for whose interests Rohan Gunarathne is trying to suppress the mysterious events of the Easter Sunday attack.

Rohan Gunarathne’s game plan

The conspiracy plot played by Rohan Gunaratne is not an easy one. The event that the stakeholders aligned with the aim of uncovering the truth of the Easter attack should pay special attention is the representation of the Chief Justice and the Attorney General who participated in the event on the day of the release of Rohan Gunarathne’s book. It is clear that Rohan Gunarathne and the government has made the judiciary to kneel before them. The judges and the Attorney General have now come to a definite decision that the Easter attack was carried out by Islamic religious extremists. That is the concept of Professor Rohan Gunarathne trying to prove. It is ridiculous to expect justice from the prosecutors of the Sri Lanka judiciary for questioning the suspects involved in the Easter Sunday attack.

Right now, the omens of a big storm are emerging in the political field of this country. In a statement made by Rohan Gunaratne on the day of releasing his book, it was affirmed that soon there will be a big explosion in the politics of this country. Indeed, we also have some idea about it.

Ranil-Rajapaksa group is preparing for another extremist attack very soon ! State support for extremists! can be read below.

Diyawadana Nilama wearing a bra!

Recently, Diyawadana Nilame of the Kandy Dalada Maligawa has personally told a friend that if things go like this, the JVP (peoples Liberation Front) will seize the government power in this country. If that’s the case, then they have to wear bras to flee the country from Katunayake airport. It is also clear that many corrupt people in the ruling party are also politically restless in this environment. A number of petty politicians who are losers in the politics of this country are also of the opinion that President Ranil Rajapaksa should strengthen the government. What is really happening now is that the scumbags, thieves and fraudsters in this country’s politics are forming together.

Criminals, thieves and fraudsters to one front!

It is in this context that Rohini Kaviratne says Sajith and Anura are like my eyes. Chandrika Bandaranaike Maithripala Sirisena is telling the same story.

A group of senior members of the Samagi Jana Balavega (SJB) have recently held a special secret meeting at the house of a SJB MP at Stanley Thilakaratne Mawatha in Nugegoda affirming the program of the opposition leader Sajith Premadasa is not enough to win a presidential election.

It is reported that almost ten members of SJB senior MP’s attended the house of this strong man who represents Sabaragamuwa province and many of them did not even accompany their bodyguards.

Mahinda back to the prime minister’s chair!

However, Mahinda Rajapaksa is going to be appointed as the Prime Minister of the country soon as the first stage. It will be interpreted as the hero who saved the country taking a dignified political farewell.

After that many events will happen in the politics of this country. However these changes are not something taken for granted. Therefore, we have a suspicion that an “invisible hand” that has been working to protect power in this country will create a great tragedy again. Professor Rohan Gunaratne has indicated as a prophecy that the doubt that is within us. We are sure that the killers have already mapped that terrible explosion. The explosion may or may not be a detonator. Rohan Gunarathne is well aware of this. There is a saying that even if the mouth lies, the tongue will not.

Political goal and conspiracy!

Perhaps the target of these criminals may be President Ranil Rajapaksa. That is because the political criminals who are in a state of shock are ready to pay any price to ensure their existence. However, after a series of heinous incidents that make the society suffer a big shock, it is likely that the bill will be written in the name of the leaders of the National People’s Power including Anura Kumara Dissanayake. It can also be a new facet of the old game played by the former president JR Jayawardena. There its shape and face may be different.

Rohan Gunaratne has come to the arena dressed in a mask to start this ghost dance by offering the wings to the demon. It is our duty to wake up the people and it is your responsibility to be vigilant.

ප්‍රහාරයක් ද? ඝාතනයක් ද? ගුණරත්න කට්ටඬියා දහඅට සන්නිය නටද්දී මහින්ද අගමැති පුටුවට? හිපාටු JRගේ සෙල්ලම අලුත් පිට්ටනියක!

By Admin

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