6 Mar 2025, Thu

Our defense information analyst reveals that the brutal Easter attack, which was orchestrated together with the politicians and notorious businessmen in order to secure the existence to bring Gotabaya to power, is being repeated again after five years.

Accordingly, our security intelligence analyst reveal that a conspiracy is being launched to create an extremist conflict in the country by preparing an ideology that the Easter attack is an attack carried out by the extremists. The immediate reason for this is that the Safron robed monks and civilian Buddhist extremists who depended on the Rajapaksas, showing that they would stand against the extremists in the past, were suddenly invited to a discussion at the Prime Minister’s office in Colombo.

In that discussion, it has been pointed out, the recent sporadic increase in religious unrest in the country and the manner in which political favors are obtained through and what efforts should be made to create an active situation in the bottom level.

A person who works as the Buddhist affairs advisor of Pohottuwa, President Ranil, a Gem and jewelry man, a media chief as well as several people from the notorious business circle were also present on the occasion.

Professor Rohan’s sudden rise

Meanwhile, our security intelligence analyst points out that releasing a book claiming that Professor Rohan Gunaratne investigated the Easter attack trying to make it appear that “Easter attack is not a political conspiracy” is part of this operation. From such statements, the activists of several extremist organizations claiming to be Sinhala Buddhists, who were in the shadow of Ranil Rajapaksa, have started to reactivate. At the same time, a number of non-Buddhist organizations and extremist Tamil political leaders in the north have come to the fore once again and have become the reasons to intensify this conspiracy.

Gotabaya’s ally Rohan!

Professor Rohan Gunaratne was appointed as a witness in the Easter bombings is to mislead the public to portray that the Easter Sunday attack was an IS conspiracy and to remove the allegations levelled against Gotabaya. The only qualification of Rohan Gunarathne was that he was a close friend of Gotabaya, apart from appearing as an expert on international terrorism. His job is to visit countries and and give advice for money. When Gotabaya came to power, he immediately gave Rohan a position as a consultant in the Ministry of Defense.

As a consultant, he was able to express his opinion, but he cannot be assigned as a witness to the attack. The job assigned to Professor Rohan by the Rajapaksas was to socialize the ideologies to distort and divert the facts that had been revealed about the Easter attack in a different direction. In short, the task of him is to divert the responsibility of the attack.

“There was no political conspiracy behind the 2019 Easter Sunday terror attack and it was carried out by the Saharan-led group based on extremist ideologies”

This above statement has been socialized through the book ‘Sri Lanka’s Easter Sunday Massacre: Lessons for the International Community’written by Professor Gunarathne.

“There is no conspiracy behind the Easter Sunday attack. As Saharan’ wife and others said, he (Saharan) would never go and launch a suicide attack for Gotabhaya Rajapaksa (former president) or anyone else. They did it as per their wish. For extremist ideologies including the need to establish an Islamic state”

it is clear that the cat has jumped out of the pouch through those statements.

At a time when the perpetrators of the Easter attack have not yet been revealed, while there are still many unresolved issues, President Ranil Wickremesinghe as the Minister of Defense has issued a gazette announcement to lift the ban on five organizations banned under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) as a part of this conspiracy.

How Ranil supported the Easter attack to bring Gota into power

It is no secret that Ranil Wickramasinghe, who was chosen by the 134 MPs of the current legislature, is one of the main accused who supported the Rajapaksa’s Easter attack and paved the way for Gotabaya’s victory in order to protect the leadership of his party by feeding extremism.

Ranil supported Gotabaya to gain power in order to defeat Sajith and retain the leadership of the party. There was no one who worked as hard as Ranil to remove all obstacles from the Rajapaksa family to give Gotabaya as the presidential candidacy.
Dilith Jayavweera and Sagala Rathnayake, who creep inside Ranil’s house late night everyday to plot this conspiracy, know this very well.

At the time of the Easter attack, the then President Maithripala Sirisena had acted on the advice of the then Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, not give Ruwan Wijewardene, who was serving as the Minister of State Security, any powers related to national security, but the public did not pay any attention to it.

Especially after receiving the first intelligence report about an attack on April 4, 2019 to the Director of State Intelligence Nilantha Jayawardena and the exchange of messages between the police and intelligence agencies about the attack since then, the Director of State Intelligence warned the Inspector General that a dangerous incident could occur ‘tomorrow’ on April 20, 2019. Needless to say, the President or the Prime Minister did not give instructions to act against this for the sake of the political coup.

Catholic community slaps Ranil

The shameful event is that President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who is the main protector of Easter Sunday killers and Pohottuwa thieves, in order to protect his political camp has launched an operation to wake up the extremists and participated in the annual festival of Madu Church to show a good face to the Catholics. As a result the Catholic community is deeply disturbed by the political speech given by president Wicramasinghe in the Madu festival speech.

The Christian community points out, alike Sajith’s temple and school visits, Ranil is ready to create a different image within the catholic community to evade his involvement and the protection he is giving for the killers to escape from the Easter Sunday massacre.

තවත් අන්තවාදී ප්‍රහාරයකට රනිල්-රාජපක්ෂ කල්ලී හදයි! අන්තවාදීන්ට රාජ්‍ය අනුග්‍රහය!

By Admin

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